Saturday, 19 November 2016



This robot is capable of detecting and avoiding obstacles.

It is mainly made using the parts specified below, where the ultrasonic sensor senses the path ahead for any objects and then passes the information’s to the micro controller, which controls the motors of the robot appropriately, thus avoiding any obstacles on its way.

Parts required 

  • Micro controller-Arduino Uno/Mega

  • Motor shield- Adafruit (L293D)

  • Ultrasonic sensor

  • Servo

  • Gear motor with wheel 

  • Caster wheel 

  • Connecting wires

  • Batteries 

Description of the robot

The ultrasonic sensor emits ultrasonic rays. These rays are reflected and received by the sensor if there are any objects in front. The time difference between the emitted and the reflected pulse is sent to the micro controller, which uses this information to calculate the distance between the robot & the object.

The micro controller has the program code. It receives continuous information from the sensor and compares these data with the preset values. If any object is about to be confronted, a pulse is sent to the motor shield, which changes the direction of the robot. The motor shield decreases/increases the power supplied to the motors accordingly to change the direction. For instance, if a left turn is needed, the power of left motor decreases and right motor increases, so a left turn is made.

The servo is used to rotate the sensor 180 degrees, which enables the robot to scan the path ahead and turn to a direction, where there are no obstacles.

Improvements to be done 

  • Fixing a web camera to watch things lively over WiFi (ideal for spy robots).
  • Fixing an IR receiver and a controller to control the robot Wirelessly.
  • Fixing the Bluetooth slave to control the robot over Bluetooth.


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